
You're Free to Go Now…Just Kidding!

Can someone please explain this to me? How is it OK to arrest someone, send them to Guantánamo, keep them there a couple years, clear them for release, and then…

November 20, 2008


Forced Eviction in the Name of Progress?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="200" caption="A Group 78 resident holds up a drawing showing the size of the land to which she has strong claims. © CLEC"] [/caption] How many times, in…

November 17, 2008


Battling Impunity in Guatemala

[caption id="attachment_139" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Member of staff at the FAFG studying human remains in order to identify them, 12 June 2008. © Private"][/caption] Excavating human remains, using forensic techniques to…

November 11, 2008


The Dangerous Act of Raising a Flag

With all the patriotic spirit and flag-waving (and questions about lapel pins) that we've been seeing lately surrounding the Presidential election here in the United States, it can be easy…

November 7, 2008


A Success Story on a Small Island

[caption id="attachment_81" align="alignright" width="192" caption="Jennifer with her Amnesty action"][/caption] In the middle of all the interest in the American election, there was an election halfway around the world last week…

November 6, 2008


Sign Up for the 2008 Global Write-a-thon

It's that special time of year again when letters can move mountains. Be a part of Amnesty International's Global Write-A-Thon - December 5-14, 2008. Your letters can save a life!…

October 30, 2008