
Speed Kills

With more death row mistakes than any other state, Florida should not be trying to put executions on a fast track. But that's what seems to be happening.

May 20, 2013


Turning Away From Celebrating Death

In Nebraska, support for death penalty abolition is once again on the rise; as elsewhere, legislators and the public are losing interest in pursuing death.

May 16, 2013


Rushing To Judgment

A rush to judgment, fueled by all-in media coverage of a particularly heinous crime, increases the chances that criminal justice officials will make critical mistakes, or engage in deliberate misconduct.

April 26, 2013


Three Human Rights Victories You Helped Make Happen

While we often write about urgent news and actions about alarming abuses, today, we want to share some positive news - three major victories activists like you helped make happen.

April 19, 2013