
Workers In Turkey Are Denied Their Rights

Turkey may have allowed a May Day demonstration to take place in Taksim Square, but it still has a long way to go to protecting workers' rights.

May 4, 2011


Join The Virtual Protest In Iran's Azadi Square

Azadi Square (Freedom Square) is a place where demonstrations have occurred throughout Iran's history. Join our virtual protest there to stand in solidarity with Iran's brave human rights defenders.

April 30, 2011


The High Cost Of Following Your Conscience In Turkey

Halil Savda, a conscientious objector and human rights defender in Turkey, faces another prison sentence for 'alienating the public from military service.' His sentence shines a light on the lack…

April 6, 2011


More Arrests in Azerbaijan

While the world's attention is on the continuing unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, the ex-Soviet republic of Azerbaijan is intensifying its oppression of dissent.

April 1, 2011


Freedom of the Press? Not in Turkey

Increasingly, Turkey is not a place where it is safe to work as a journalist. In the past weeks, police have arrested a string of journalists, accusing them of being…

March 14, 2011