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Showing 433-437 of 437 Results
The Name Says It All: Burma's Insein Prison
[caption id="attachment_2109" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Myanmar's Insein Prison, where Auung San Suu Kyi and hundreds of others are held (c) Digital Globe 2008. Image taken from Google Earth"][/caption] Myanmar's opposition leader…
Aung San Suu Kyi Charged Today in Myanmar
Myanmar’s (Burma) pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi was charged today with violating the terms of her house arrest after an American man allegedly snuck into her home last week. …
Ma Khin Khin Leh is Free!
[caption id="attachment_1288" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Ma Khin Khin Leh, © Private"][/caption] After serving nearly 10 years of a life sentence in Myanmar (Burma), prisoner of conscience and long-time AIUSA priority case…
Our Top 10 Wins of 2008
Thank you Amnesty International activists for all of your important work this year! Your activism has led to some major advances in human rights in our battles against torture, violence…
A Stronger US Stance Against Mass Atrocities?
With every day that passes, grave human rights violations continue in places like Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burma. President-elect Barack Obama’s recent personnel decisions have fostered speculations…