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Showing 1729-1740 of 1806 Results
Docs Won’t Help Ohio Kill
[caption id="attachment_5885" align="alignleft" width="251" caption="Health professionals confirm death in 1998 Guatemala execution. (c) Jorge Uzon"][/caption] Ohio's botched and failed execution of Romell Broom, which has led to the postponement of…
Police Chiefs to Death Penalty: Drop Dead
The Death Penalty Information Center released a new study today on the high costs, and lack of real benefits, associated with capital punishment in the United States. The report, called…
A Pardon 94 Years Too Late
Wednesday, Oct. 14, radio host Tom Joyner became the first person to obtain a posthumous pardon for unjust executions in South Carolina. South Carolina is a typical gung-ho executing Southern…
Ohio Needs a Moratorium on Executions Now
The death penalty is always inhumane, but Ohio’s failed attempt to execute Romell Broom on September 15th was particularly disturbing. During the two-hour ordeal the execution team repeatedly attempted and failed…
Troy Davis gets visitors in Georgia: Peachy with a side of Keane
By Laura Moye, Death Penalty Abolition Campaign Director This is just a quick note from Savannah, Georgia, where I am right now with a wonderful delegation of folks from the…
It’s Constitution Day! – But Not in Texas
Today is Constitution Day. On this day, September 17, in 1787, the US Constitution was signed by a group of men known collectively these days as the “Founding Fathers”. Yesterday,…
Iran, Ohio, and the Question of Executing the Same Person Twice
In Iran, in January of this year, a man being stoned to death for adultery managed to survive his ordeal by digging his way out of the pit in which…
U.S. Homicide Rates and the Death Penalty
The FBI’s annual crime report – Crime in the United States, 2008 – which was released Monday reveals that, like death sentences and executions, murder rates in the U.S. declined slightly in…
Imminent Execution
Kenneth Mosley is scheduled for execution on September 24. He has been on death row for the past twelve years. Mr. Mosley was convicted of killing a police officer while attempting to rob…
Is Justice Scalia a Curmudgeon?
Bob Barr thinks so. In his Washington Times op-ed, the former federal prosecutor, Georgia Congressman and Libertarian Presidential candidate, labels Scalia the “high court curmudgeon” for his dissent from the…
Death Penalty Outrage – Iraqi Style
Embedded video from CNN Video On Monday, Amnesty International release a report on the death penalty in Iraq, pointing out that at least 1,000 people are now on death row…
Executed for a crime that never occurred?
In 2004, Cameron Todd Willingham was executed in Texas for setting a fire that killed his three children. He maintained his innocence to the end, and those who looked into…