
For our 2024 Regional Activism Conferences, all governance sessions will be conducted online as well as in-person.

Governance processes will be held virtually and in person for each of the five regions. To register to attend the conference and vote in person, please click the learn more button for your preferred region and complete the in-person registration. For information and to register to vote virtually, please complete this virtual governance registration form.


The National Resolutions Committee (NRC) invites members to submit resolutions that will be considered at the Fall 2024 Regional Conferences.


We are looking for volunteers to help with governance sessions at RAC’24. By volunteering, you’ll learn more about governance processes and how governance at AIUSA works while ensuring a smooth conference. Interested volunteers should email [email protected] or click on the button.


At Regional Activism Conference 2024, resolutions may be voted on by Individual Voting Members and by one designated delegate from each registered AIUSA Student or Local Group.

Please discuss the resolutions with your group before the conference.

Group Authorization Form


AIUSA membership is required to vote at RAC’24. The deadline to join or renew your membership in order to vote is three hours before each vote.