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Press Release
Extradition of Former Libyan Prime Minister From Tunisia Poses Great Risk for Human Rights Violations
Tunisia has extradited al-Gaddafi's former prime minister to Libya, putting him at risk of torture, unfair trial and extrajudicial execution.
June 25, 2012

Press Release
Europe’s Deadly Frontiers: European Parliament Must Stand Up for Migrants
In a new report, S.O.S. Europe, Amnesty International calls on E.U. governments to respect the rights of migrants and stop…
June 13, 2012

Press Release
Trial of Neurosurgeon in Libya is Test of Country’s Capacity to Serve Justice
Doctor Hisham Anour Ben Khayal categorically denies accusations he purposefully withheld medical treatment from a pro-Gaddafi fighter who died from…
June 7, 2012

Press Release
Libyan rendition case shows it’s time for UK to come clean
The UK must ensure full accountability for its role in rendition, torture and unlawful detention, Amnesty International said as a…
April 18, 2012

Press Release
Amnesty International Welcomes ICC Decision on Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi, Calls on Libya to Comply
Amnesty International said today that Wednesday's decision by the International Criminal Court (ICC) ordering Libya to immediately surrender Saif al-Islam…
April 5, 2012

Press Release
Former Libyan intelligence chief must be sent to the ICC
Former Libyan intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi must be sent to the International Criminal Court to face charges of crimes against…
March 19, 2012

Press Release
Amnesty International Finds Deaths of Detainees Amid Widespread Torture in Libya
Several detainees have died after being subjected to torture in Libya in recent weeks and months amid widespread torture and…
January 26, 2012

Press Release
Amnesty International Urges Libya to Transfer Saif al-Islam to the International Criminal Court
The National Transitional Council (NTC) must transfer Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to face investigation at the International Criminal Court (ICC), Amnesty…
November 21, 2011

Press Release
Amnesty International Says Saif Gaddafi Must Be Transferred Safely To ICC
Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi must be allowed to surrender to the International Criminal Court to face investigation for crimes against humanity,…
October 28, 2011

Press Release
Amnesty International Urges Libya to Investigate Whether al-Gaddafi Death was a War Crime
Amnesty International today urged the new Libyan authorities to ensure a full, independent and impartial investigation into how Colonel Mu’ammar…
October 21, 2011

Press Release
Libyans Must Make a Complete Break From Culture of Repression and Abuse, with End of Gaddafi Regime, Says Amnesty International
Libya must make a complete break from its past culture of abuse and repression, and demand a full accounting of…
October 20, 2011

Press Release
Amnesty International Finds Widespread Abuse — and Even Torture — of Captured and Detained Al-Gaddafi Soldiers, Loyalists and Mercenaries Under Libya’s Transitional Government
Captured al-Gaddafi soliders, suspected loyalists and mercenaries held in western Libya are being beaten, and, in some cases, tortured in…
October 13, 2011