Below you’ll find breaking news and updates on our campaigns and victories.
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Press Release
Verdict in Ahmadiyya Killings Will Not Stem Discrimination in Indonesia, Says Amnesty International
Contact: AIUSA media relations office, 202-509-8194 (Washington, D.C.) -- The verdicts imposed against 12 people accused of killing three members…
July 28, 2011

Press Release
Indonesia: Fact-finding team needed to investigate police abuse in Central Sulawesi
Document - Indonesia: Fact-finding team needed to investigate police abuse in Central Sulawesi AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC STATEMENT AI Index: ASA…
March 27, 2011

Press Release
Amnesty International USA letter to President Obama regarding his trip to Indonesia
Amnesty International USA letter to President Obama regarding his trip to IndonesiaAvailable in PDF only
March 27, 2011

Press Release
Indonesia: Failure to protect LGBT activists in Surabaya
Indonesia: Failure to protect LGBT activists in SurabayaOnly available in PDF format
March 27, 2011

Press Release
Indonesia: Suharto leaves violent legacy
Ex-General Suharto of Indonesia died quietly in bed at age 86, unlike up to a million Indonesians his loyalists had…
March 27, 2011

Press Release
Indonesia: Police accountability mechanisms crucial to reform process
Document - Indonesia: Police accountability mechanisms crucial to reform process AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Public Statement AI Index: ASA 21/018/2010 26 August…
March 27, 2011

Press Release
Amnesty International USA open letter to President Obama regarding his trip to Indonesia
Amnesty International USA open letter to President Obama regarding his trip to Indonesia Available only in PDF
March 27, 2011

Press Release
Indonesia: Prisoner of conscience denied medical care : Johan Teterissa
Indonesia: Prisoner of conscience denied medical care : Johan TeterissaAvailable in PDF only
March 27, 2011

Press Release
Indonesia: Suharto leaves violent legacy
Ex-General Suharto of Indonesia died quietly in bed at age 86, unlike up to a million Indonesians his loyalists had…
March 27, 2011

Press Release
Indonesia: End criminalization of peaceful political activities in Maluku
Document - Indonesia: End criminalization of peaceful political activities in Maluku AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Public statement AI Index: ASA 21/017/2010 19…
March 27, 2011

Press Release
Indonesia: Open letter to the Minister of Health on the Health Law in Indonesia
Indonesia: Open letter to the Minister of Health on the Health Law in IndonesiaAvailable in PDF only
March 27, 2011

Press Release
Indonesia: Prisoner of conscience has been released
Amnesty International has welcomed the release of an Indonesian prisoner of conscience jailed for his role in a peaceful...
March 27, 2011