What do you get when you put nearly 100 people in a room on a steamy DC summer evening to listen to two amazingly talented musicians perform an acoustic set and share information about Women of Zimbabwe Arise and the International Violence Against Women Act? Well, you definitely get an environment that’s a little, shall we say, musty. But you also get alot of energy and passion and commitment all directed toward improving the lives of the people of Zimbabwe and women in particular.
Last night, Chad Stokes and Brad Corrigan (aka Braddigan) of the former band Dispatch reunited in anticipation of a sold out charity concert tonight at the Kennedy Center by request of Prime Minister Tsvangirai to mark his visit to the US. The guys played some amazing songs and shared personal stories about their experiences in Zimbabwe and why they are so personally committed to human rights. Hopefully everyone who went came away with a little more knowledge about the issues and some awareness of what they can do to help. As for me, “she looks so proud she looks so happy.”