As Amnesty’s annual Write for Rights campaign come to a close, I wanted to give a shout out to my friends at Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA). They are featured in this year’s event that culminates on International Human Rights Day, December 10th.
Their inclusion this year is especially poignant as WOZA activists Jenni Williams and Magodonga Mahlangu will be in court December 12th, facing charges with potentially serious consequences.
Jenni and Magodonga were arrested on September 21 (also the International Day of Peace!), along with 10 other WOZA activists. The others were soon released, but Jenni and Magondga face criminal charges relating to alleged incidents occurring this past summer at WOZA headquarters.
Amnesty International is concerned Jenni and Magodonga will not be accorded their right to a fair trial and remain alarmed by the ongoing harassment and intimidation of WOZA members and other human rights defenders in Zimbabwe who are exercising their right to peaceful protest.
In solidarity with WOZA and the work they do to advance human rights in Zimbabwe, we are further highlighting their work in conjunction with the release of Chimes of Freedom, a newly recorded album of Bob Dylan cover songs by such artists as Adele and Dave Matthews Band.
So join a Write For Rights event, listen to Chimes of Freedom streaming live on our Facebook page on December 10th, and remind the Zimbabwe government the power of love is greater than the love of power. Write for Love in Zimbabwe!