On Monday, June 21, former Georgia Supreme Court justice Norman Fletcher wrote in the Atlanta Journal Constitution about the importance of the decision of the US Supreme Court, led by retiring Justice Stevens, to grant the hearing. That op-ed is entitled Stevens leaving legacy of judicial care.
The next day, June 22, NAACP President Benjamin Jealous wrote a special opinion piece for CNN called Death row inmate’s rare chance to prove his innocence.
Yesterday, the AJC published a preview of the hearing (Court to hear Troy Davis’ innocence claims in cop’s 1989 killing), as well as an analysis of the first day’s proceedings (Witnesses back off testimony against Troy Davis).
They also published Then and now: Witnesses change their stories – a comparison of the trial testimony that was used to convict Davis with the testimony heard on Tuesday. Local media and TV also covered the hearing throughout the day, and we expect more of the same today.