The folks over at The Guardian released this creative animated video today based on the testimony of Guantanamo detainees who have been cleared for transfer out of the detention facility but are still held.
Shaker Aamer is one of the people featured in the video. He has been detained for over 11 years without charge, despite being cleared to leave and despite UK Prime Minister David Cameron personally asking President Obama to return him to the UK. You can read Cameron’s letter to Amnesty International here.
It’s insane that he isn’t back home yet, given President Obama’s stated recommitment to closing Guantanamo and the clear path toward resolving Aamer’s case.
There are apparently 84 people, out of 164 still at held at Guantanamo, who have been cleared for transfer.
Urge President Obama and Congress to end the Guantanamo crisis once and for all.