My name is Ravi Kumar, director and co-writer of the film Bhopal-A Prayer For Rain. I want you to take a second and imagine what your life would be like today if your parents not only died in an industrial disaster that could have been avoided, but those responsible had evaded punishment for 30 years.
What is an impossible thought for me, is a horrifying reality for the families of more than 20,000 women, men, and children who have died following the 1984 toxic gas leak at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India.
Bhopal was one of the world’s worst industrial disasters and 30 years later the devastating effects of the gas leak are still prevalent in the community and affect the health of thousands of women, men and children.  The common features behind many industrial disasters are eerily familiar; cost-cutting, corporate power, poor communities, untrained staff, and management ignoring the early warning signs.
One of our main motivations to make Bhopal-A Prayer for Rain was to ensure avoidable disasters such as Bhopal stay in the history books, never to be seen in the news again.
30 years after the Bhopal disaster a new generation is left struggling for justice and I believe it is time to finally tell the stories of the thousands killed and the countless survivors who are still suffering today as a result of the Bhopal disaster. Children who were exposed to toxic gas have been left sick, disabled and without proper compensation to seek appropriate medical care to alleviate their pain.
As our film gears up for the US release on November 7th, I have been moved by the support and encouragement I have received from individuals around the world. It is an honor to work alongside producers and US and Indian actors to expose the truth about an industrial disaster that most people have never heard of in the US.
Learn more about the film on Facebook and Twitter and join me and Amnesty International to call for justice that is already 30 years too late for the survivors of this horrifying tragedy.