This is a critical moment to stand up for refugee rights in the United States. Join us and call your Senator immediately to vote NO on the upcoming bill limiting entry to the U.S. to Iraqi and Syrian refugees.
The “American SAFE Act of 2015” that passed the House Thursday, Nov 19, now moves to the Senate. This bill would add increased and unnecessary screening and barriers for Syrian and Iraqi refugees (including requiring the Secretary of Homeland security, the Head of the FBI, and the Director of National Intelligence to sign off on every individual refugee from Iraq and Syria). If it were to become law, thousands of desperate refugees fleeing the armed group calling itself the Islamic State and other violence would pay the price.
Please, call your senator NOW. Click here to find your Senators by state. Ring both Senators to express your support for refugees and your rejection of this bill.
Sample Script:
Hi, my name is ______ and I am calling from (city/state) to urge Senator ________ to vote NO on the upcoming bill targeted at Iraqi and Syrian refugees.
Refugees already face a lengthy and extremely detailed and well-vetted refugee screening and process.
For example, Syrian refugees to be considered for resettlement in the U.S. will have already been vetted by the UN, even before they go through a US vetting process led by the Department of Homeland Security. Priority will be given to the most vulnerable refugees, including torture survivors, people with serious medical conditions, children and teenagers on their own and women and children at risk.
Please vote NO on the bill to impose more barriers to refugees.
Want to do more?
- Download the Amnesty International Syrian Refugee Activist Toolkit to build support for refugees in your community.
- Take action NOW and tell Congress No Refugee-Bashing in My Name