Last night we gathered in the Davis family’s church for a vigil. Two death row exonerees spoke, including Juan Melendez. He was on death row in Florida 17 years for a crime he didn’t commit. He shared a piece of that story and encouraged the Davis family and supporters to stay strong. Larry Cox, AIUSA’s executive director gave an impassioned speech. He told the crowd that it was time for the characterization of this as a duel between Davis and MacPhail to end.
“How can you be for justice for one person and not be for justice for everyone?’” he asked.

The Rev. Dr. Raphael Gamaliel Warnock of Ebenezer Baptist Church (Dr. King’s church in Atlanta) described the struggle for Troy as one for “the soul of this country.” And he recalled the key moments when “God pressed the pause button” in Troy’s case, with one stay of execution after another.
It was a moving night. And I was once again humbled to be part of this growing movement and to experience the many miracles along the way.
We now await the first day of the hearing with much hope and anticipation. We don’t know how it will go, but we are grateful for the breakthrough that the U.S. Supreme Court created by ordering this hearing last year and we will remain watchful while the process unfolds.