The family of Timothy Adams knows this because they are also the family of the victim. Timothy Adams shot and killed his 19-month-old son, TJ Adams, during a standoff with Houston police 9 years ago. As heinous the killing of little TJ was, the loss of another family member, this time to execution, will only amplify the pain caused by this crime.
Timothy Adams’ father (and TJ’s grandfather):
“Losing TJ was especially hard for me… However, I cannot imagine losing my son to this tragedy as well… I do not know what I will do if we lose Tim.”
Timothy Adams’ brother (TJ’s uncle):
“It’s hard to explain why Tim did what he did… It was totally out of character… I still have a strong relationship with him. I often break down when I leave the prison after our visits. I cannot imagine losing my brother.”
Timothy Adams’ sister (TJ’s aunt):
“It’s going to affect my family in a bad way if he is executed. I would never wish this on anyone, even my worst enemy… This would just be another huge loss to our family.”
Three jurors from the original trial are also seeking to stop this execution, saying that they felt pressured by other jurors into voting for a death sentence they didn’t believe in.
One juror said she changed her vote from life to death under pressure, and “carried the guilt around for years knowing that I sentenced Adams, a man who had done wrong but who was otherwise a good, religious, and hard-working person, to death”; while another said: “Adams was so remorseful during the trial, and I could tell that he was hurting a lot.”
The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles can recommend that Texas Governor Rick Perry grant clemency in this case, and commute Timothy Adams’ death sentence to life without parole. Please join these jurors and family members in calling for clemency in this case.