Violence against women and girls and other forms of gender discrimination devastate the lives of millions of women and do not distinguish among nation, culture, or creed.
One in three women worldwide has been beaten, raped, or abused in her lifetime. Maternal mortality rates have actually risen in the US, and remain scandalously high around the world, with a woman dying a pregnancy-related death every 90 seconds. Lack of access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care contributes to maternal mortality, sexually transmitted infections and other ill-health outcomes. Women continue to suffer disproportionately during armed conflict, accounting for 90% of all civilian casualties.
On Thursday, November 17th, Amnesty International USA, The Embrey Family Foundation and the Ford Foundation present The XX Factor: Advance Women’s Rights. Change the World. The forum on women’s human rights seeks to shape the next vital wave of activism in a cause of unparalleled consequence.
You can watch and participate in The XX Factor right from home!  Tune in to www.amnestyusa.org/xxfactor from 10AM to 4PM EST to participate via LiveStream broadcast as panelists of activists and social entrepreneurs address today’s most pressing issues in women’s rights as human rights.
This is your chance to network remotely with thousands of Amnesty International members and take action together to make a difference in the lives of women and girls. Viewers will have an opportunity to ask panelists questions or contribute your thoughts about how we can best contribute to the fight for universal women’s rights by tweeting @amnesty through-out the day.
The panels will address critical issues as violence against women and girls, maternal health and reproductive rights, and the obstacles to women’s security, especially as the social and political landscape of the Middle East is being transformed. Keynote Remarks will be provided my Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN Women.
Watch on LiveStream, follow Amnesty International USA (@Amnesty) and its Women’s Co-Group (@amnestywomenrts) live on Twitter, lend your voice to the dialogue and help us work towards a world where 50% of the population has 100% access to human rights. Protecting women’s rights really can change the world. But we can’t do it without you!