Despite ongoing human rights violations, which we believe amount to crimes against humanity, the UN Security Council has shamefully failed the Syrian people so far. Several weeks ago, an already watered down resolution was vetoed by key members of the Security Council. Since this vote, the darkest hour of the Security Council in the context of the MENA uprisings, many more peaceful protesters were killed.
In recent weeks, we have also seen sporadic armed attacks by army defectors against government forces, raising the specter of a full blown civil war.
However, the days ahead are likely to bring increased attention and momentum for a stronger international response to the widespread and systematic human rights violations in the country. Within days we are expecting the Commission of Inquiry on Syria to publish its report on the human rights situation in Syria, followed by a potential special session by the Human Rights Council.
Already over the last weeks, Syria’s neighbors have finally increased their pressure on Syrian authorities. Regional Foreign Ministers will meet again on November 24 to discuss future actions, while the Arab League is expected to reach out to the UN Security Council to secure a broader condemnation of the government crackdown. I am hoping that this new pressure, and the forthcoming human rights report by the UN itself, will force the Security Council to finally act.
In order to build on this new momentum, we’ll be stepping up our public pressure to urge the UN Security Council to end its shameless silence. We are asking members of the Security Council to stop bickering and will bring the pressure right to the United Nation’s doorstep.
Rally At The United Nations On November 30
We ask you to join us at a rally next to the United Nations Headquarters in New York to call on the UN Security Council to end its shameless silence in response to alleged crimes against humanity committed in Syria. Our event will be at 1pm on Wednesday, November 30, at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. We’ll gather with Syrian activists to call for a referral of the situation to the International Criminal Court, an arms embargo and for an asset freeze on President Bashar al-Assad and others involved in committing serious human rights violations. The action will be the peak of our ongoing Eyes on Syria campaign.
Part of this action will be the creation of a powerful visual to remind the United Nations of the many civilians that were killed since the beginning of the uprising.
Supporters around the world will join online by showing their solidarity with peaceful protesters in Syria through social media. Activists outside New York can follow the action and participate through the hashtag #eyesonsyria on Twitter.
How can you help:
- If you live in New York City, come to the rally on November 30. Make sure to let your friends and family know about it.
- Not in New York? Help us mobilize by sharing this blog post and Facebook invite with your networks.
- Help us fill up the Eyes on Syria activism map: We are tracking global activism in support of peaceful Syrian protesters on our Eyes on Syria project. See if your location is already up on the map, and if not, send us a simple activism picture. We’ll be sharing your activism with key decision makers at the UN next week.
- Tweet on November 30, using the hashtag #eyesonsyria .
Contact us if you have any questions about our upcoming Syria actions. To receive updates on this action and the latest developments in Syria and the UN Security Council, please follow me on Twitter.