My daughter just started kindergarten but for us it’s just a 2 minute bike ride to the school. In some places however, going to school can be a death sentence.
The BBC is reporting that gunman opened fire on a school bus south of Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtukhwa province (formerly the Northwest Frontier Province) killing 5 school children between the ages of 9 and 14.
No one has claimed responsibility for this criminal act and I’d assume that no one would want to do so. However, the area has seen heavy fighting between the Pakistani Taliban and groups that are opposed to the Taliban. The Pakistani government itself has little or no control over large swathes of these areas and it’s basically a free-for-all between pro- and anti-Taliban tribes.
In circumstances like these, we can’t expect much in the way of justice. We can only mourn of the lives snuffed out before they’ve had a chance to grow up.