On August 30, Amnesty International and other human rights groups around the world will observe the International Day of the Disappeared. We’ll be pressing governments to disclose the status of  the disappeared and to prosecute those responsible for enforced disappearances. Here’s how you can join us:
- Ask the government of Chad to reveal the whereabouts of opposition leader Dr. Ibni O.M. Saleh, abducted from his home by the security forces on Feb. 3, 2006.
- In China, help us determine the fate of the human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who was detained by the authorities in Feb. 2009 and has subsequently disappeared.
- Demand that the government in Nepal disclose the location of Sanjiv Kumar Karna, who was picnicking with friends when he was arrested by the security forces on Oct. 8, 2003.
- Hold the government of North Korea to account for the 50,000 detainees held in Yodok prison camp, most without charge or trial or any access to relatives.
- In Sri Lanka, demand that the government investigate the fate of journalist Prageeth Eknaligoda, who went missing shortly after leaving work on Jan. 24, 2010.
These people haven’t really “disappeared” – their governments know what happened to them. The governments just don’t want to tell the rest of us, including their families. And every day that goes by, their families continue to suffer the agony of not knowing the fate of their loved ones. Help us end the suffering of their families and get justice for the disappeared.  Write today!