Call Script for Humanitarian Aid

May 22, 2018

Please use the below sample script to call your Senators and your Representative and ask them to support robust funding for humanitarian assistance for refugees and displaced people!

CALL 1-877-892-6897

to be connected to your Member of Congress


1.) Telephone calls are usually initially taken by a staff assistant or an intern. Ask to speak with the aide who handles refugee issues. If they aren’t available, leave a voicemail or direct message with whoever you’re speaking with. You can request a call back.

2.) After identifying yourself as a constituent (say where you’re from in the state/district), tell the staffer that you would like to leave a brief message.


“Please tell Representative/Senator ____________ that I hope they will support robust funding for humanitarian assistance and programs that support refugees and displaced persons this fiscal year.”

“Please also urge Representative/Senator ____________ to support a higher refugee admission goal and robust funding for refugee resettlement in Fiscal Year 2019.”

Feel free to add any of the following:

“I support robust funding for humanitarian assistance and the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program because

  • There are 22.5 million refugees in the world, half of whom are children. Now, more than ever, the U.S. must provide sustained funding to support displaced populations throughout the world and support resettling refugees here in the U.S.
  • There are close to 1.2 million refuges that need access to resettlement, many facing dire circumstances – the U.S. must be a participant in providing access to resettlement for those few who can access this durable solution.
  • The U.S. Refugee Admissions program has and continues to serve as a powerful foreign policy tool.
  • I support refugees resettling in my community and believe we have a responsibility to help those in need find safety.