They say everything is bigger in Texas, but, in reality, even when it comes to the death penalty, many of the most important things are actually bigger in California. California’s death row is more than twice the size of the one in Texas, and last year Los Angeles County alone accounted for as many death sentences (8) as the entire Lone Star State. (California sentenced 28 people to death statewide.)
The cost of California’s death penalty is also, well, Texas-sized, with $184 million extra a year spent just to retain capital punishment. With an enormous 46 percent unsolved murder rate, it is pretty clear what a giant waste of California tax-payer money that is.
But something uniquely California is happening. As only 40% of the public in California now prefer the death penalty as the best punishment for murder, a campaign to put death penalty abolition on the November 2012 ballot is underway. Amnesty International is a part of this effort, and every single Californian who cares about human rights, or fair administration of justice, or wise use of tax dollars, or solving serious crimes, should join the SAFE California campaign TODAY!
The initiative to be placed on the ballot would repeal California’s morbidly obese and totally dysfunctional capital punishment laws, and redirect the savings toward reducing that horrendous unsolved murder rate. The act will prioritize public safety and real victim family needs over clinging to the pointless anachronism that is capital punishment.
It will be a massive effort; but it will make a very big difference.