Back when I served as a death row attorney, I experienced first hand that the death penalty is anything but just. I was there at the trial of Bill Andrews when a note reading ‘Hang the N*****’ was found in the jury’s lunchroom. I saw people die by lethal injection and the electric chair who I believed were innocent.
But victories like today’s remind me that the tide is turning for the death penalty in America.
Today, we came one step closer to a significant victory when the New Hampshire House voted to repeal capital punishment in the state.
The fight is not over. The repeal bill must now go before the State Senate. Join me in calling on the state legislature to abolish the death penalty in New Hampshire.
But the fight is not over. The repeal bill must now go before the State Senate. Join me in calling on the state legislature to abolish the death penalty in New Hampshire.
The death penalty is biased, expensive, unfair and because it is tainted with human error, risks executing the innocent. It’s time for it to end – in New Hampshire and around the world.
Amnesty International has successfully campaigned to abolish the death penalty throughout the USA. We have actively participated in the New Hampshire movement that has strived for years to put an end to the death penalty there. Amnesty International USA has worked with the New Hampshire Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty and is a co-founding member of the coalition. Amnesty has provided testimony and has mobilized members and activists to call on the legislature to pass a repeal bill.
Our hard work is paying off. Today, we got one step closer to an important victory.
I hope that members of the New Hampshire Senate vote with courage when it’s their turn to choose between the death penalty and justice. Help them make the right choice. Take action now.